Monday, January 28, 2013

Postdoctoral and Doctoral Fellowships: Israeli Inter-University Academic Partnership in Russian and East European Studies

* Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies *

The Israeli Inter-University Academic Partnership in Russian and East European Studies is offering a small number of highly competitive postdoctoral and doctoral fellowships in the field of Russian and East European Studies for the 2013-2014 academic year. These fellowships are offered to researchers across many disciplines in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences (broadly defined), and will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence.
Postdoctoral fellowships are offered to young scholars who have received their PhD degree no earlier than 2006 and no later than June 2013. Postdoctoral fellows will be awarded 92,500 NIS per year (equivalent to approximately $25,000). These grantees will be required to present two public lectures at their host institution during the fellowship year. In some cases, the fellowships will entail a teaching commitment at the host university.
The Partnership also offers fellowships for doctoral students who are registered in one of its partner universities (Bar-Ilan University, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University, University of Haifa) provided that the applicant commenced his/her degree no earlier than the 2005-2006 academic year. Doctoral fellows will receive a yearly stipend of 46,250 NIS (equivalent to approximately $12,500).
The fellows will be selected by an international academic committee and then placed in one of the partner universities. Fellows may apply for one additional year of funding.  Applicants are requested to submit their curriculum vitae (no longer than four pages), a detailed statement of current research interests (up to 2000 words), one writing sample (no longer than 25 pages) and two letters of recommendation (to be submitted directly by the recommenders by e-mail). All materials must be submitted in English and state clearly whether the application refers to a doctoral OR postdoctoral fellowship. In addition, applicants must state if they are applying for other sources of funding for the fellowship period.
Please send application materials by e-mail in PDF/DOC/DOCX format to with CC to
Subject: Postdoctoral and Doctoral Fellowships in Russian and East European Studies

For more information about the partnership, please go on-line to:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

UC Berkeley Center For British Studies Grant & Fellowship

To Ph.D. students intending to do dissertation research in the U.K.:
The Center for British Studies would like to announce three fellowships for graduate students to help finance their research in the United Kingdom.

Anglo-California Foundation Pre-Dissertation Grant carries an award of $3,500, intended to support second or third year UC Berkeley graduate students before their qualifying exam to travel to Britain to conduct research and develop contacts that will help them prepare a dissertation proposal.

Anglo-California Foundation Dissertation Grant carries an award of $3,500, intended for UC Berkeley graduate students who are in their 5th and 6th years to finish research in the UK and aid them in completing their dissertation.

Berkeley-Pembroke Exchange Scholarship will provide two students (one per semester) with a grant of $10,000 each for a Graduate Student Exchange with Pembroke College, Cambridge. This grant is open to students from UC Berkeley who have advanced to candidacy and wish to conduct research in Cambridge.

The deadline for all three fellowships is January 31, 2013. Applications and guidelines can be found at Questions should be directed to

University of Pennyslvania Post-doctoral Position

Job ID: 9097
Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Department: Penn Program on Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism
Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
Position/Rank: Fellowships/Post-docs - Post-doctoral
Areas/Special Programs:

For additional information on this position (including how to apply), visit the ASA Job Bank at

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Humane Studies Fellowship

The Humane Studies Fellowship (HSF) program provides more than just  monetary awards. The fellowships connect winners to a support network to guide them through a successful career in academia. Humane Studies Fellowships are awarded to full-time graduate students embarking on liberty-advancing careers in ideas. The fellowships support study in a variety of fields, including economics, philosophy, law, political science, history, and sociology. 
Awards range from $2,000 to $15,000 and fellowship winners may re-apply for each year of their studies. In 2012, the Institute for Humane Studies awarded more than $800,000 to over 200 students. Fellowship winners are also preferred candidates for IHS invitation-only programs such as our Career Development Seminars, which help students think strategically about how to succeed in academia, our Colloquia to discuss and refine the fellows’ research, and our Summer Graduate Research Fellowship, a non-residential research and writing program that provides participants with the opportunity to complete a publishable scholarly article. 
HSF is open to full-time and prospective graduate students, including law students.


Past fellows have researched historical and contemporary ideas on freedom of action and association and the rule of law. Some notable research interests include:
  • market-based approaches to environmental policy
  • the legal development of privacy and property rights in 18th-century England
  • the role of patient autonomy in bioethics
  • impediments to economic growth in developing countries
  • the relationship between U.S. presidential politics, fiscal policies, and economic performance
Application deadline is January 31

Einstein Visiting Fellows Program

Within the framework of the “Einstein Visiting Fellows” program of the Einstein Foundation Berlin, the Graduate School of the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin has set up a work group under the title "Rethinking Crisis,“ directed by Prof. Nancy Fraser (New School for Social Research, New York). Within this project, three Postdoctoral Scholarships are granted for the period of April 1, 2013 until December 31, 2014.

The scholarship, which amounts to 2,000 EUR per month, is granted for the development of a research agenda within the project "Rethinking Crisis.” Applicants must hold a doctorate in Political Science, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Philosophy, Law or related subjects. A very good command of English is presupposed and a background in American studies is a plus.

Applications, in English and including a short outline of the planned research project, CV and copies of earned university degrees, must be sent electronically (pdf-files) by January 20, 2013 to both of the following or

Information about the Graduate School of North American Studies can be found at:

Center for Developmental Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

The Carolina Consortium on Human Development at the Center for Developmental Science invites applications for NICHD (NRSA) postdoctoral traineeships. It is anticipated that several postdoctoral fellowships will be available. Positions are for one year, with renewal for a second year contingent on satisfactory performance. Advanced training will be provided in the study of individuals in changing contexts (e.g., families, peer groups, schools) using multiple levels of analysis ranging from biology to socio-cultural. The Center and Consortium faculty have primary appointments in over 20 departments or schools at six neighboring universities and colleges (Duke University, Meredith College, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and University of North Carolina at Greensboro.)

Fellowship candidates are expected to have a demonstrated commitment to transdisciplinary longitudinal study, and must have completed a terminal degree in their field (e.g., PhD, MD, DrPH, EdD) by the time of their appointment. In accordance with NIH regulations, applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents.


A detailed description of the fellowship program can be obtained from the CDS home page at  

The African and African American Studies (AFAS) Washington University Postdoctoral Fellowship

The African and African American Studies (AFAS) program at Washington University in St. Louis invites applications from recent Ph.D. graduates in the humanities and social sciences for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship, with the option to apply for a second-year renewal.  The fellowship is intended to assist junior scholars whose research focuses on topics related to Africa, African Americans, and/or the African Diaspora in furthering their careers by providing them with opportunities for mentorship, advancing their research, and enhancing their teaching. 

AFAS postdoctoral fellows are provided a competitive stipend, support for research and research-related travel, office space, and computer equipment.  They will also receive a reduced teaching load, teaching one course a semester based on their scholarly area of expertise and with the approval of the AFAS curriculum committee or the Director.  In addition, Fellows will participate in the intellectual life of the AFAS program and University by giving and attending public lectures, mentoring undergraduate and graduate students, and participating in program activities.  The fellowships begin July 1, 2013 and extend until June 30, 2014.

The search committee will continue to review applications until the positions are filled, but priority will be given to applications received by February 15, 2013.  

Further details about the postdoctoral fellowship can be found on the AFAS website, and inquiries regarding the fellowship should be made by e-mail to

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Mike Synar Graduate Research Fellowship

The Center for the Study of Representation will award up to five Synar Graduate Research Fellowships of up to $3,000 each. The Mike Synar Graduate Research Fellowship is awarded to distinguished UC Berkeley graduate students who are writing their dissertations on an aspect of American politics, including comparative research across nations with the United States as a major case. 
To be eligible, graduate students must have advanced to candidacy.
This grant is generously supported by Bill and Patrice Brandt
The next application deadline is December 6.  Download the application [pdf] for additional details and requirements. 

The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) Fellowship

The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), one of the leading social science graduate schools in Germany, offers again PhD stipends and Postdoc positions for political scientists, sociologists, psychologists, lawyers and economists.

Ph.D. Stipends/Fellowships
BIGSSS seeks candidates with strong academic abilities and a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in political science, sociology, or psychology.  Applicants with a degree in law, economics, or other social science disciplines are also welcome.  We offer Ph.D. stipends of 1300 euros/month for 36 months, contingent on successful completion of each year.

Postdoctoral Positions
We seek candidates pursuing English-language publication projects based either on their dissertations (by making findings available to an international audience through a book or journal articles) or new research.  Postdoctoral Positions are paid in line with TVL E13 and may be taken up for a period between 6 and 24 months. The competition is open to candidates who have received a doctorate in political science, sociology, psychology, law, economics or other social science disciplines within the last 3 years and to those who have finished prior to commencing their postdoctoral stay.

Predoctoral Fellowships for BA Graduates
Additionally, BIGSSS offers 2 stipends of 800 euros/month for particularly talented BA graduates. After fulfilling some course requirements and having their proposals accepted within the first year, candidates can switch into the regular three year program.  More information as well as lists of required application materials can be found at 

Deadline is March 15

For additional inquiries, please check the online FAQ and feel free to contact admissions officer at

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Strategy and Policy Fellows

The Smith Richardson Foundation’s International Security and Foreign Policy Program is pleased to announce its annual grant competition to support the research and writing of a book by young scholars and policy thinkers on American foreign policy, international relations, international security, military policy, and diplomatic and military history.  The Foundation will award at least three research grants of $60,000 each. Within the academic community, this program supports junior or adjunct faculty, research associates, and post-docs who are engaged in policy-relevant research and writing. Within the think tank community, the program supports members of the rising generation of policy thinkers who are focused on U.S. strategic and foreign policy issues.

An applicant must submit a research proposal of a maximum of ten pages that includes the following five sections:
  • a one-page executive summary;
  • a brief (approx. 250 words) description of the policy issue or the problem that the proposed book will examine;
  • a description (approx. 2,500-3,000 words) of the background and body of knowledge on the issue to be addressed by the book, citing relevant literature;
  • a description (approx. 1,000-1,500 words) of the applicant’s qualifications and methods (e.g., research questions, research strategy, analytical approach, tentative organization of the book, etc.); and
  • a brief (approx. 250 words) explanation of the implications of the prospective findings of the research for the policy community.
The applicant should also include a curriculum vitae (limited to 3 pages), a detailed budget explaining how the grant would be used, and a work timetable with a start date.  A template for a Strategy and Policy Fellows proposal is available. In addition to the proposal, the applicant may attach one policy-relevant publication to demonstrate his or her analytical capability.

Proposal Evaluation Criteria:
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: the relevance of potential analysis and findings to current and future foreign and security policy issues; the potential of the project to innovate the field and to contribute to academic or policy literature on the topic; the degree to which research questions and analytical methods are well defined; the degree to which the project will develop valuable new data or information through field work, archival work, or other methods; and the applicant’s publication record. The objective of the Strategy and Policy Fellows program is to identify and develop young promising scholars, policy thinkers, and analysts. The recipients are likely to be under the age of 40. There is, however, no formal age requirement.

An applicant must have a Ph.D. by the time of the deadline, preferably in Political Science, Public Policy, Policy Analysis, International Political Economy, or History.  The application must be submitted by the institution at which he or she holds a full-time position and be accompanied by a letter from the institution’s representative who is authorized to accept the grant on behalf of the institution. The applicant should also explain how he or she meets all of these requirements in a cover letter to the proposal.
The proposal should be written in a regular 12-point font, with one-inch margins.

The Foundation must receive all Strategy and Policy and Fellows proposals by 12:00 midnight, EST, June 15

For more information

Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

The Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford University invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2013-14.  Recent Ph.D.'s in all disciplines of the humanities and social sciences whose research focuses on gender are eligible. We encourage scholars with a strong interest in interdisciplinary methods to apply.

The postdoctoral scholars will focus on the Institute's theme, "Beyond the Stalled Revolution: Reinvigorating Gender Equality in the Twenty-first Century.”  While in residence at the Institute, postdoctoral scholars are expected to participate in Clayman Institute activities throughout the academic year in addition to pursuing their own research.  Postdoctoral scholar responsibilities will include writing articles for our research publication, Gender News, working with Graduate Dissertation Fellows, and attending our regularly scheduled faculty luncheon discussions.

The appointment is for two years. Applicants must have their doctoral degree in hand no later than 30 days prior to the appointment start date, and the start date must be no more than three years after the awarding of their degree. Postdoctoral scholars will receive a stipend and benefits, set and adjusted in accordance with Stanford University rules, and must be in residence for four academic quarters, beginning in the fall quarter of the 2013-14 academic year.

Deadline: January 7, 2013

Instructions and detailed information are available on our website:

The Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) Multi-Country Fellowship

The Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) Multi-Country Fellowship Program supports advanced regional or trans-regional research in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences for U.S. doctoral candidates and scholars who have already earned their Ph.D. Preference will be given to candidates examining comparative and/or cross-regional research. Applicants are eligible to apply as individuals or in teams.

Scholars must carry out research in two or more countries outside the United States, at least one of which hosts a participating American overseas research center. Approximately nine awards of up to $10,500 each will be given.

Application Deadline: Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 11:59pm EST.

For full information and to access the on-line application, please see our website.

MPIfG Doctoral Fellowships

The International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRS-SPCE) is operated jointly by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and the University of Cologne. It invites suitable candidates to apply for up to seven doctoral fellowships in economic sociology and political economy.Applicants must hold a Diplom or a Masters degree in political science, sociology, organization studies or related fields. Degrees must be received by August 2013. Fellowships will start on October 1, 2013, and will be awarded for 15 months with the option of two additional years. Working languages at the Research School are English and German. 

The deadline for applications is February 28, 2013.

Doctoral fellows will participate in a graduate school program including courses and summer school sessions and contribute to the intellectual life of the Institute and the University. Doctoral degrees are awarded by the University of Cologne. In addition, students at the IMPRS-SPCE may acquire a French doctorate by entering a joint doctoral program with Sciences Po in Paris (Co-tutelle).

For more information see the attached announcement or the MPIfG website, where the application forms can be found.

SSRC Dissertation Development Fellowship

DPDF Fellows work with senior faculty to formulate effective dissertation proposals within the context of multidisciplinary research fields. Fellows attend workshops in the spring and fall of the fellowship cycle, which provide a framework for pre-dissertation research and guide dissertation proposal writing. In the summer months between workshops, DPDF fellows carry out exploratory field research on their topics to evaluate issues of feasibility and methods of investigation. The DPDF program covers necessary costs for workshop participation and up to $5,000 for summer research.

The Fellowship competition is open to second and third year graduate students in all disciplines of the humanities and social science who are enrolled full time in PhD programs at accredited universities in the United States. International fields are open to first year students enrolled in universities within select countries

Deadline is January 31, 2013 at 5pm ET

For further information regarding the program and how to apply, please visit our website at
Program staff are available at to answer additional questions.

Brown University PostDoc Fellow Position

The following new job listing has been posted in the ASA Job Bank and may be of interest to section members:

Job ID: 8986
Institution: Brown University
Department: Public Policy
Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
Position/Rank: Fellowships/Post-docs - Post-doctoral
Areas/Special Programs: Public Policy
For additional information on this position (including how to apply), visit the ASA Job Bank at

The University of Pennsylvania Predoctoral Fellowships

The University of Pennsylvania invites applications for the annual Predoctoral Fellowships for Excellence through Diversity. 

This program is designed to provide mentorship and access to Penn’s resources for doctoral students in the humanities or social sciences, enrolled at universities other than Penn, as they complete their dissertations. It supports scholars from a wide range of backgrounds, who can contribute to the diversity of Penn and the higher education community. The Fellowships support graduate students in the final stages of dissertation research or writing for residency at Penn for an academic year, normally September through August. They offer an opportunity for scholars who plan an academic career to take advantage of Penn programs and faculty expertise and to have access to libraries and the resources of the Philadelphia region. Each scholar will be hosted by a department or program and assigned a faculty mentor. Recipients can be in the stage of either dissertation research or writing. 
The Fellowship provides a stipend of $27,000, health and dental insurance, office space, library privileges, and a $3000 research and travel fund. 

The application deadline is March 1, 2013. 

View this call for applications online at

The Sultan Program in Arab Studies

The Sultan Endowment for Arab Studies Program supports teaching, research, and public outreach on topics related to the Arab and Arab-Islamic world, with the overarching goal of promoting a deeper understanding of the Middle East on the U.C. Berkeley campus and beyond. The program encompasses the social sciences, humanities, and professional fields, with a special emphasis on integrating insights into the Arab world from the following disciplines: anthropology, sociology, architecture, history, literature, political science, and urban studies. This program is made possible through a generous endowment from the Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud Charity Foundation.
Deadline is February 4, 2013 @ 5pm
Stipend ranges from $4000-$18000