The Royal Society and British Academy cosponsor this scheme, which is meant to encourage top international postdoctoral researchers in the physical, life, and social sciences and humanities to create and maintain ties with British institutions. These awards will fund 40 fellows for two years, starting in January 2013. The fellowship will fund each researcher’s subsistence costs at £24,000 per annum, up to £8,000 per year in research costs, and also provides a one-time relocation award of £2,000. Upon completion of the award, alumni are eligible for funding of up to £6,000 per annum for ten years to encourage long-term links with British institutions.
In addition to the general Fellowships, three awards, funded through the Sino-British Fellowship Trust and the K.C. Wong Foundation, will be made to Chinese nationals. These awards will be given to candidates chosen from shortlisted Newton Fellowship applicants; researchers cannot apply directly for these awards. The awards are tenable for two years; those holding these awards are not eligible for alumni funding.